Invest in productive land based assets
Since 1990, MyFarm has opened the door to investments in world-class, productive land-based assets.
Kaipi Road Limited Partnership
Minimum investment
Terra Verde Investments Limited Partnership
Minimum investment
Wairau Valley Vineyards
Minimum investment
We are a specialist in New Zealand primary sector investments.
Years of business
Total current syndicate assets
Properties under management
Most of our offers are wholesale investment offers. To find out if you qualify as a wholesale investor, click the button below.
An investment in diligence
When it comes to assessing opportunities to invest in our primary sector, MyFarm looks at every investment as if it's our own.
We’re interested in the top echelon of primary sector assets that have the potential to deliver the returns we expect for investors. Our process begins with a close examination of the industry as a whole and its outlook. We then look at geographic, climatic and other environmental factors that influence performance. This guides us in focussing on the regions of New Zealand where the best assets are to be found.
Having identified a potential investment, we then take a deeper look to determine how well it stacks up. On average, less than 1 in 10 opportunities we consider will make it past this stage. Getting down to the nitty gritty involves soil testing and nutrient mapping, assessing quality of infrastructure, working out what capital expenditure is required, and financial modelling to see if the asset can perform as we expect. Investors considering a MyFarm investment can review key insights from our due diligence process.
When you invest in a MyFarm offer, you become part of a syndicate, which is structured as a limited partnership. The partnership is led by an experienced board of directors and has a formal agreement with the operational partners who will be responsible for day-to-day management of the asset. A comprehensive plan is also put in place along with a robust reporting system to ensure our partners and the asset itself are delivering on our stated goals to investors. Additionally, management will consider environmental and market factors that could impact the asset, as these elements play a significant role in the overall success and sustainability of the investment.
We want investors to feel involved in their asset and be kept informed on how it’s tracking. MyFarm provides regular reports on financial performance, seasonal updates and other relevant syndicate information, with our knowledgeable Client Relations team just a phone call away. We encourage investors to visit their investment on official Open Days and join syndicate webinars.
To stay informed on what’s happening in the wider primary sector, subscribe to our Market Insights email where we share research and thoughts from experts within the industry.
Invest in New Zealand’s primary sector success
Renewable Energy
Carbon and Forestry
Central Otago Cherries
Mānuka Forestry
Commercial property
MyFarm targets attractive annual returns from meticulously chosen land-based assets and infrastructure including kiwifruit, vineyards, apples, hops, cherries, carbon and Mānuka forestry, and commercial property. These can be established assets offering immediate cash returns or longer-term developments.
Operational partners
MyFarm works with a select group of growers, managers and exporters who oversee day-to-day operations and manage asset development.
Latest news & research
View all articlesTerm deposit rates are falling: Where now for income investors?
The RBNZ had earlier noted that its estimate of the long-term neutral OCR was 2.75%, so the August cut appears to be the start of a much-needed easing cycle likely to run through to late 2025 or early 2026.
This outlook for a cut of 2.75% from the highs of the past year is great news for borrowers but may require a change of strategy for savers.
Changes in Land Use - A Panel Discussion
"In a time of changing markets, changing regulations and changing global expectations, how can we in Aotearoa ensure we are producing what's demanded, while building local community resilience and the resilience of the land."